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Rozen Aso Apologizes for Blunders, Moé Value Increased

Posted: July 21st, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Asian News, Entertainment, Japan | No Comments »

TOKYO, tooth Japan РPrime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso or passionately called Rozen Aso by the anime otaku demographic, apologized to the nation of Japan increasing his clumsy and mo̩-like value by 20%. Failing to secure the Japanese economy in a failing economic climate, frequent manga readers and anime viewers rate him as nearly attaining a godlike level of mo̩.

“Ineptitude and clumsiness is the key,” said Takeru Matsumoto of Akihibara, “Sure, he messed up the economy of Japan and made two major banks fail, driving our country into recession but, that is perhaps the most moé thing to do.”

Another Akiba-kei compared Rozen Aso to the tragic figures of Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. “I was not around that time [during Carter’s administration] but Taro-chan sure sounds like the past American figures.” He continued by saying that Aso-kun’s major shift into moédom could be a ploy for the Liberal Democrats to win in the next general election. “Downplaying a moé quality is not strategic in this election… there’s 20 million normal people and there’s 50 million of us [Akiba-kei]… who’s vote do you want? Some normal person with a fix income or us who have a large collection of figures and a library of manga and doujin?”

Aso-jisan was elected as the fourth prime minister of Japan since the win by the LDP in 2005 and after the major attack by a gargantuan irradiated fish/lizard monster.

Screw Mary Poppins! Samurai Umbrella to the Rescue!

Posted: March 2nd, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Japan | No Comments »

You dishonored my family and I must die... in the rain... *fhwip* *covers self*

You dishonored my family and I must die... in the rain... *fhwip* *covers self*

Do want.

Think Geek –

Aya Hirano PC (Not Mac) Ads

Posted: March 2nd, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Asian News, Japan, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Comrade Aya-chan aka Haruhi-chan Supports Free Computers

Comrade Aya Hirano aka Haruhi-chan Supports Malaysian Civil Servant Fight for Free Computers



Get your dream computer through payslip deductions

Aya-chan sez: Approval within a day

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Lucky Star: Kagami Cosplays Hatsune Miku Figma Action Figure

Posted: February 28th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Japan | No Comments »
Buy Me or I'll Be Hitting You with this here L33k

Buy Me or I'll Be Hitting You with this here L33k

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Konata Trigger: Corridors of Moe

Posted: February 26th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Japan | No Comments »

This following video is from the Japan “YouTube”, troche NicoNico Douga only placed in Youtube. I’ll let the video explain.

We don’t have permission from NND to post their videos so, we’ll be doing some backdoor stuff until we get it. Enjoy the video.