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Obama Taken Away Blackberry Rights

Posted: May 17th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

WASHINGTON D.C. – Last night, dermatologist White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced that Michelle Obama had just taken away the Blackberry rights of President Obama, unhealthy citing that he is costing higher phone bills in the White House. In a bold move that shocked everyone, diabetes and pregnancy Robert Gates described the event.

“The President threw a tantrum, screaming ‘You’re not the boss of me!’, crying in a fetal position and banging his fist on the floor,” described Secretary Gibbs about the event. “It looked like the Terrible Two,” quipped Gibbs trying to describe the Presidential meltdown over the mobile device. He continued by mentioning that the President, locked his door in the Oval Office, while blasting loud emo music, deafening the staff at the residence. Not one of the best moments for Obama, who is an admitted Blackberry addict, reporters further drilled Secretary Gibbs about the fit.

Obama trying to control his tears for the loss of his Blackberry while speaking to students at ASU.

Obama trying to control his tears for the loss of his Blackberry while speaking to students at ASU.

“It’s not pretty,” said Gibbs, “when Obama gets mad. This morning he was pouting over the breakfast table as Secretary Clinton came in to brief him about the current problem with North Korea.” Gibbs added, “He just would not let it go but when I spoke to him earlier, he was calm and collective, ready now to run the country without his Blackberry.”

The President does a lot of things with the Blackberry he was given by the Secret Service. The President checks his email and does a Facebook edit once in awhile. What most don’t know that the President does Twitter and he tweets to his fellow followers. Similarly, Obama recently followed his former political rival, John McCain, twitter after John McCain started following Obama on the very first day that the President started. John McCain is eagerly following the President, trying to find a fault of the Jesus-like President presided in the Internet world.

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